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You can earn ~15% annual by staking in Kusama. The minimun to start staking is 0.1 KSM. When you start staking in Kusama you will only pay the transaction fee. In Kusama your money is NOT sent to us, you will have access to your funds at any time since they will always be in your wallet. Once you bond any amount of KSM you can choose to nominate to multiples validators, including our validator. There is a locked time period for withdrawals. Once you unbond any amount of DOT you will need to wait 7 days to use your funds, this is the way the protocol works. You will need to wait at least 24 hours to start seing rewards in your wallet. The more KSM you delegate the more rewards you will get when we mint blocks. You can use Polkadot-js app wallet to start staking Kusama with us.


Node Info

Stash Address: F8Az1yfspjUw7458STfPKMg8EYQgticPE927tVjgJUb1H8t
Commission: 3%



How to Stake

Polkadot-js apps



In Kusama the expected return is ~15%, it can be a little bit less or more depending on the luck of the validator. And the validator you have chosen.

Since this is a parameter of the blockchain you can check that information here (in the "minimum required to stake" section):

No, your KSM will never leave your wallet. You will have the control and custody of your funds as usual.

Once you have Bonded your DOTs you will need to wait 7 days after unbonding so that you can completely withdraw. So yes, your KSM will be locked for 7 after you decide to stop staking.

Yes, you can choose up to 16 validators. We recommend you to choose validators that are in the active set, but do not choose those oversaturated validators. Choose a variety of big and small validators. Remember that a Kusama validator will give you rewards only if you are in the top 128 biggest wallets. That's why you should also choose not oversaturated validators.